
Disclaimer & Privacy Statements

MillAnd is in no way affiliated with any major European manufacturer of vehicles or spare parts or any of its subsidiaries including but not limited to: BMW AG or BMW New Zealand.

All trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners.

MillAnd is a totally independent importer, wholesaler and distributor of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and quality aftermarket BMW parts and accessories and is not affiliated with, and does not purport to be affiliated with or endorsed by any European automotive manufacturer, European automotive parts manufacturer or supplier or their New Zealand franchisors.

MillAnd makes no representations or warranties, of any kind, express or implied, as to availability, description, or the value of any of the products listed on this site.

In the case of materials, parts or components not manufactured by the company, the buyer shall be entitled to the benefit insofar as it can be transmitted of any warranties given by the manufacturer in respect thereof and the company’s liability in respect of such goods is limited to making the benefit of the manufacturers warranties available as foresaid.

The information on this site is provided for your information and reference only. It is not provided with the intention that you will necessarily rely on the information for any purpose.

MillAnd treats your privacy very seriously and we will never share or disclose your personal details to any other person or organisation which is in accordance with the New Zealand Privacy Act 1993.